Monday, October 19, 2009

Simple Day

I was simply ecstatic to be able to come "home" today after work. I threw my stuff on the bed, rummaged through the fridge, made a delightful salad, (found and devoured two chocolate muffins as well), and simply enjoyed doing nothing in particular.
Ashlie and I embarked on our first shopping trip together this evening at the friendly, neighborhood Giant.
We light-heartedly debated over brands and flavors of yogurt, whether or not to get the chicken, (we didn't), who brought the club card for discounts, (neither of us), and who would hold the bag of Wendy's food on the way home, (that would be me.)

I managed to get myself out to the gym tonight. Wasted a stroll on this beautiful, crisp autumn night, but I figured I should be using a place I pay for...
Quite an uneventful day, but I am glad for those rare quiet ones. Now to figure out the best way to Allentown tomorrow...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bumpy Start

It was lovely to be able to sleep in today and enjoy the afternoon light streaming in through the large windows.
Sam finally moved in today and spent most of the evening setting up his room.
My parents stopped by for the grand tour, and I lit up several candles to enhance the coziness. What a challenge that came to be. I ran out of matches so I attempted to dip the wicks into already burning flames, but to no avail. After 20 minutes of digging around, I lit a pencil and used it as my triumphant torch of lighting success!
Unfortunately, some people did not enjoy the fact that I left the candles brightly burning for their sake. Although the offending flames were not left unattended, as others were home, I am now considered slightly irresponsible... *sigh*
Everybody is a little out of sorts as we try to get settled in and approach the coming work week...figuring out new commute times and adjusting to a place that is not yet home. Hopefully, we can avoid any stress-related drama and misunderstandings within in these next few weeks.

One bright spot of the day was joining my dear friend kristi ( in her home to make invites for our Fall Frolic. She is quite the clever one and we hand wrote the invites on torn out pages of a children's book from the 60's.

Well, Monday awaits...

And so it begins....

I realize that I have not posted since earlier this summer...but everything really is just now beginning to come together.
I currently hold three jobs and I moved into my long-awaited apartment today...along with my crazy, dear cousin, Ashlie, and our friend, Sam. Yes, yes...I know. Three's Company.
I have decided I will chronicle at least the first few months of this venture. And I shall try to do it as interestingly as possible. Three very independent and quirky people living under one roof always makes for good tales.

Sam has not officially moved in yet, so today, Ashlie and I, along with another friend, gave our dingy, yellow-cream colored kitchen walls a good white-washing. Our room has been made cozy with a deep red throw rug, a built in shelf to house over 20 pairs of shoes between us, and the littering about of pictures and pieces of art. The flame flickering merrily away atop the aromatic pumpkin spice candle did not hurt the ambiance either.

Now to sleep and dream of ways to spruce up these dreadful drop ceilings...

Monday, June 8, 2009

The past few weeks have been crazy and exhausting. I am so close to getting a job, an apartment and starting my "life after Liberty." How quickly one's plans can change with a simple phone call. I tend to avoid that pocket-size bearer of news as much as possible. It has already relayed more than a few disappointing messages.
I start an unpaid internship tomorrow in Souderton...and I am very excited to have a chance to actually get up and DO something. I just hope I haven't gone stupid in the past few weeks of crazy boredom.
Time will tell...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do you think anyone would read it?

So my final project for a publication design class was to create a magazine. Hence, Speak came to fruition. You can read about my inspiration in the letter from the editor.
I was quite irritated to discover I could not upload a pdf I have spent the past 45 minutes exporting to jpgs and uploading each spread. Hopefully it is still readable because I would love to hear some feedback.
Even though I was required to create every dot and tittle of the writing and the design, (all these ads are fake!), the real purpose of this magazine is to display the work of talented, unpublished artists and writers. I would love to see submissions from amateur photographers, writers, painters and graphic design artists.
This magazine is meant to be a reader-interactive publication which will include well-researched and clearly composed political pieces, literary compositions and photo spreads to inspire, among other pieces. Please excuse my humble piece...does it have a chance for growth?

Friday, May 22, 2009

My very first....

Perhaps everyone who begins a blog begins with some trepidation. I am still learning how to navigate layout features and how to downsize all the enormous photos I would like to upload.
I am still trying to decide if posting poetry and photography is wise...It is so easy to steal an individual's work these days and take credit for it. Time will tell how trusting I become of this internet business :)
As I am writing, the early signs of morning are etching the sky. The gray-blue sky is dawning as a few particles of light are pushing past the awning branches that attempt to shroud them with their foliage.
And it's Friday. Perhaps I will have something of merit to say in the near future. I have no theme. I am a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to my varied interests....someday I hope to be a master-of-some.